This November we welcome the badass ladies of the Jersey Shore Roller Girls to pose for us! Here’s a little bit about them:
“JSRG is an all-women, flat-track roller derby league that continues to take New Jersey by storm! We are a skater operated non-profit organization, and a proud member of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA).
Born in 2007 from the dreams of four women with a love for roller derby, The Jersey Shore Roller Girls is now more than 70 women strong and still growing. Our first bout was a tremendous success. On February 2, 2008, at the Asbury Park Convention Hall, months of hard work finally came to fruition as the first season of The Jersey Shore Roller Girls was kicked off by a fierce bout between Right Coast Rollers and Murder Beach Militia. Ever since, the community response to our league has been overwhelming, and we are immensely grateful to our growing number of fans, supporters, and sponsors, for making this possible!
Our members are women of all ages & backgrounds, willing to fill the Jackson Skating Center several times a week for training, and scrimmaging. We represent the Jersey Shore, with membership stretching to Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, and Atlantic counties.”
Learn more about them or find out how to join the derby from their website and facebook pages:
Have dinner upstairs at Capitoline, then come down to the basement at 6:30 pm. We will provide three 45(ish)-minute rounds of sketching, with our models posing for various lengths of time. There will be short breaks in between rounds, where we’ll encourage you to share your favorite sketches with us. Please bring your own art supplies; we will have sketch pads and pencils available if necessary. One lucky artist selected by our models will win a grand prize package of art supplies at the end of the night.
Admission is $10 at the door for a seat (sketchers and non-sketchers alike). We take cash and credit, and there is an ATM for your convenience. Please note Asbury Park is street parking.
➤ Buy your ticket online before the event for a 25% discount! Refunds only if the event is cancelled. Online tickets are for this event only, and may not be used for future events. Online ticket sales end 11/19/2019 at 11:30 pm.
This is a sketch-only event. Cell phone photos are allowed for reference, but please, no photographers. Share the pics you take with hashtag #drsketchyasburypark, and make sure to tag us!
Dr. Sketchy’s Meetup Group:
To find us, enter through Loteria, Bond Street Bar, or Capitoline, and go to the downstairs bar. The staff are helpful if you are unfamiliar, ask for Dr. Sketchy.